Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Highlights from May

May was a full month! The month started with me taking a trip to the States, where I was for less than a week. I was there for my boyfriend's and my brother's graduation from NNU. After that, I went to Sighisoara, Romania for a week-long visit to see my Romanian family and to participate in ministry there. Finally, I was back in Razgrad for the latter part of May, when we celebrated the day of Cyrill and Methodious (missionary monks who created the Cyrillic, and thus Bulgarian, alphabet, and translated the Bible into Bulgarian). The month ended with going to two "balls" (aka grad parties) to celebrate two young ladies from church who graduated from highschool. So many activities in May, and so many wonderful memories. :)

Continue reading if you'd like to see the pictures!
While in Idaho, Michael and I went to the wedding of some Chinese friends

April in Pictures

Now that I am back in the States and have faster internet, I am able to upload some more pictures from Bulgaria!

Here are some pictures from the month of April. :-)
view of sunset from back balcony
(Click "read more" to see the rest of the pictures)